Congratulations to San Diego County along with the San Diego County Office of Education for being one of the top Counties in California for approved Proposition 39 EEP su
Congratulations to San Diego County along with the San Diego County Office of Education for being one of the top Counties in California for approved Proposition 39 EEP su
On October 28, 2016, the California Department of Education (CDE) has published their Proposition 39 Grant Allocations for 2016-2017. This is Year Four in the Propositio
SDG&E’s new Comprehensive Audit Program has begun and we are excited to announce that Information & Energy Services is one of the Authorized Trade Professionals assis
Keep an eye out for the New ‘Comprehensive Audit Program’ that SDG&E will be rolling out starting today, June 1, 2016. This program is designed for Commercial, A
IES will be attending the 11th Annual Energy Showcase at the San Diego Convention Center on June 10th, 2016. The event is for Residents and Businesses who are interested
Attention California School Districts: Don’t forget to get your 2015/2016 expenditure plans turned in by June 30, 2016 to ensure retrieval of Proposition 39 funds in the next fi
On April 27 the IES team attended the Lightfair International convention at the San Diego Convention Center. The convention is the world’s largest annual architectural and co
October 2015- IES customers who received energy audits have been approved for over $12 million dollars by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to be delivered through the life of
September 2015- San Diego Gas & Electric’s successful ‘Energy Assessment & Solutions’ Program will be changing from a 100% utility sponsored energy audit program to a